Posted by: Elizabeth | August 26, 2009

Where the swastikas aren’t

A while ago, a reader suggested that I check out some swastika tiles he’d heard about at the St. Monica-St. George Church.

But there are no such tiles now.

Due to complaints from some church members, the swastika tiles were removed years ago, after the St. Monica and St. George parishes merged in 1993, according to parish business manager Linda Martin. They were replaced with less eyebrow-raising tiles of the same coloring.

I guess the clergy just got tired of explaining that the tiles were actually Celtic crosses.

Posted by: Elizabeth | August 16, 2009

Cited at Stanford

A few months ago, I posted photos of a local apartment building with a interesting detail on the staircase landings: lotsa swastikas.

A few days ago, someone at Stanford University cited this post in a discussion about non-Nazi use of swastikas in general. He mentioned the Probasco St building in the text and listed my post as a source.

I was too busy slacking off to get into a school like Stanford, so this makes me feel really good.

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